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Combining a deep, rich, and sweet taste with a crisp and refreshing bitterness, 014 is a well-balanced, dark roast coffee.

This Rudder Blend comprises of beans from Ethiopia, Colombia, Brazil, and Guatemala. The founder, world champion, Tetsu Kasuya, says that its deliciousness can be understood in just one sip.

014 is a blend that aims for a taste beyond the "I'm going to have a good cup of coffee" mood. It delivers the satisfying "Now this is delicious" moment. That said, 014 isn't a revolutionary coffee. Instead, it enhances the quality of your daily life.


You don't need to be a coffee connoisseur to appreciate 014. It is also ideal as a gift for loved ones, regardless of where they are in their coffee journey.


This coffee can be brewed via pourover filter or siphon.


Philocoffea 014 Rudder Blend Dark [Funabashi Selection Certification]

  • To ensure freshness of the roasted coffee from international roasters and shipment efficiency of goods, we receive goods from this brand on MONTHLY basis. However, you can place orders any time. The FIRST day of every month is the order cut-off day. Customer placing orders before the cut-off day will expect goods delivery in 2-3 weeks from the cut-off day.

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